Custom Dental Appliances and Retainers In Novi and Plymouth
Each of our Provident Dentistry locations are equipped with state of the art dental laboratories to help ensure that we can meet all your dental needs. Our highly trained assistants and lab technicians are able to craft dental appliances in-house to ensure a proper fit and reduce the time it takes to deliver the devices to our patients.
Whether you are looking to replace a lost or cracked plastic retainer used to keep your teeth aligned, or you are searching for a thin appliance to protect your teeth while you sleep, we have the solution for you. At all of our locations, we have the ability to craft custom-fit plastic retainers in our office. We will just need to take an impression of your teeth and then our lab assistants will handle the rest. Your new retainer will be available within a week, in most cases.

Night Guards
Most often, night guards (aka occlusal guard, or bite splint) are recommended for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction or bruxism (involuntary/habitual grinding of the teeth). During sleep, the guard prevents you from damaging your teeth from clenching or grinding that can be associated with stress, abnormal bite, sleep disorder, or a combination of all three. Wearing the firm plastic guard on a nightly basis will significantly reduce bruxism during the day, help relax the jaw muscles, alleviate headaches, enable the jaw to find its best position, and help reduce chipping or wear on your own teeth since grinding will only take place against the guard. Have you recently gone through some type of smile makeover? Protect your investment by getting a night guard today!

Sports Guards
Do you or your children play contact sports? Are you tired of the cheap sports guards sold at sporting goods stores that require boiling? At Provident we can create a custom-fit durable guard to protect your smile. These removable and flexible dental appliances are worn over your teeth and protect you from hits to the face and head. Mouth guards are an important piece of athletic equipment for anyone participating in a sport or recreational activity that involves the potential for falls, body contact, or flying equipment. They are primarily designed to protect the jaw and teeth, but may also protect soft tissues of your tongue, lips and cheek lining.

Sleep Apnea
You may have noticed you are not getting enough rest or feel groggy in the mornings, even though you are sleeping through the night. Or you may be noticing your significant other is snoring or has interruptions in their breathing at night. These could be signs of Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea is the obstruction of the airway passages and decreased breathing during sleep. An estimated 18 to 20 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Recently, millions of Phillips CPAP machines have been recalled due to the interior of the machine being linked to cancerous particles. The noise canceling foam inside of CPAP machines can break down and gases and particles can potentially cause issues if inhaled. If you are currently using a Phillips CPAP machine it is directed you stop use immediately and call your physician. An alternative to a CPAP device is to get a diagnosis for a TAP appliance.
To receive a TAP appliance, the patient must receive a diagnosis from a Sleep Apnea test and be unwilling to wear a CPAP (facial mask). The TAP appliance is a great alternative to the CPAP. It is a mouth guard that is custom-fitted to each patient. The mouth guard pushes the lower jaw forward allowing for the throat to open and allow air to pass through.
Though a snoring problem may sound silly, this can truly save one’s life! Sleep apnea creates a high risk for high blood pressure and heart complications, causes low oxygen in blood, may increase your risk of a stroke, and may be the cause for diabetes in some individuals.
At Provident Dentistry (Novi), our team is here to help. Contact us today to schedule your FREE sleep apnea consultation.